It appears as though summer is slipping through my fingers and there isn't anything I can do about it. Ethan and I have this whole week and next Monday together before I head back to school. I'm glad to start another year, but I will miss my little man tremendously. I know I'll be flying out of the parking lot as soon as I can just so I can get home and hang out with him.
So, the question is, what should we do this week? It's just us (Ronnie made it to Indiana safely this afternoon). I have a lot to do before we move...maybe I'll work on that. I also thought about going over to the house and doing pre-cleaning so I won't have to do it later. Maybe Ethan and I will do a small day trip or find the energy (or the money) to go shopping. Who knows. Either way, I plan to enjoy spending all the time I can with him.
Have a great week...especially all my teacher friends who are headed back to our own little worlds next week!
⏳5 Days Until We Begin!🌿📖🌿
1 day ago
you and Ethan are gonna be alright...and I am glad that Ronnie made it safely to for the cleaning it can need to enjoy the time with Ethan before you go back to work...I am here if you need me all you got to do is call...ok?? ok....things will work out for the best...just hang in god loves you and I love you too.....
I feel ya... I'm so bummed about going back to school I don't know what to do with myself. Of course, my aversion to school has a lot more to do with avoiding responsibility than having anyone to hang out with, but still...
I hope you enjoy this last week!
Hey, here the link where i got the idea for the post it note holder..
i really like her videos, everything she does is so simple...
thanks for your comment!
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