I cried. A lot. I try not to do that. But when a cocky-thinks-he-knows-it-all-rent-a-cop hospital security guard gets ugly with me I don't do well. Especially when he's keeping me from my grandma. (I am in the process of filing a formal complaint with the hospital about that.) But I put on the strong face for my sweet Grandma. So many times she's been my rock and I knew I could return the favor. She should be ok, but I still worry about her. And since it has been a tough day I miss her more. Because normally on bad days she listens and gives me some of the best advice that there is to give. So please say a little prayer for my grandma. Or a big one if you can. She deserves it.
Then I cried over some other stuff.
But I'm trying to keep my spirits up. I've always struggled with my emotions. I used to always be the happy-go-lucky girl in the group that made everyone laugh. I don't know when I lost that. Or suppressed it. But I miss it. I want it back, but I feel so stuck. I'll keep working on it. I know that Melissa is still in there. I'll just have to go get her and bring her over so we can have some fun together.
Sorry about that ramble. But I had to preface the next part of my post so you would understand. I'm a lucky girl. I can call my wonderful husband and talk to him about anything and everything. And he always makes me feel better.
But today I needed a hug. A really big hug. A hug that lets you know it's all going to be okay. A hug that tells you that you are an awesome person and no one can take your place. I needed my superhero! And with a "Da da da daaaaa!" he was here! Amazing!
And I know he's a superhero. He knew exactly what was wrong. He said, "I'm a superhero Mama. And I'm gonna make you not cry!" And you know what? It worked. Plus, he had a "cate" (cape). "You know, Mama, a blanket on my back!"
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma and your no good, very bad day. I'm praying for you grandma and for you! You are a wonderful wife, mom and friend! You always make me laugh and smile!!!!
I'm praying for you and your grandma! I love your superhero. God uses our kids to help us along the way; I'm sure of it! HUGS!
Thanks girls! Things are getting better. It was just one of those days....
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