I have procrastinated long enough. We've been home from the beach for a week and half so I think it's time I shared some pictures and Elijah is sleeping with Ronnie so I have some time. First I would like to share a few from the photographer we hired to take our family pictures on the beach. His name is Sean Carr and he was really fun to work with. If you're ever in Wilmington shoot him an email. He does a great job, charges less than others and gives you a disc with all images instead of making you order prints from him. Here is a link to his website.
Ethan LOVED the beach. The sand. The waves. The ocean. He took it ALL in. Ahhh, the pure joy of being a child. It was truly beautiful to see.
And his amazement at how the waves would bring water in, then go away. More than once he got caught by a wave crashing on his little self. It was perfect!
Elijah got his first taste of the big pond. He wasn't as thrilled as Big Brother, but he will grow to love it; its in his blood. The sea breeze, the salt water and the feel of the sun on your back as you relax to the sound of waves crashing. Yup, I'd say its in our blood. Mine anyways...I had to give Ronnie a transfusion a few years back since he was more of a mountain man, but he's got it now.
And Little Man is mastering the art of sitting up. Wobbly, but getting there. I love watching my babies grow. These kids are my glimpses of heavenly perfection. At least until naptime. But then they're still perfect.
Can I say again how much I love these little people? Because I really, really do!
And this guy. Well, he's my everything. 'Nuf said. I love him as much as I can love anyone and he completes me.
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