I'm just trying to remember that I have to find happiness in the little things that seem mundane, but that make my life purposeful.
My first bit of happiness was stopping to pick up Ethan. I love the excitement of his "MAMA" as he comes running when I walk in the door at day care and the following display of his work from the day. I enjoy (most of the time) the chit chat of him and Bryson "talking" on the way to Grandma's to get Elijah. And I love feeding Elijah after our first cuddles of the afternoon.
Then the boys and I head home to do our thing. Cuddles, play time, food, baths and bed with some cleaning thrown in. It's exhausting and I get bogged down and frustrated at times. Like today. But one or both of the boys will do something to remind me that I am lucky to be their mom and that I mean so much to them. Today was Elijah's turn.
After he had eaten and Ethan was off playing, Elijah decided to practice his pulling up skills. He's doing very well, which is good since he isn't trying to become mobile by crawling.
And then he let me get a good picture of his fresh pearly whites. FINALLY! The child is stingy!
Even though the day was extremely rough, I know that I have to get up and do it all again tomorrow because there are two little guys that need me.
But really, I believe I need them more sometimes. They keep me going.
Thanks Ethan and Elijah. I love you boys more than you'll ever know!
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