So I have several pictures to share...hope you don't get bored!
While we were picking persimmons...again...Elijah decided to eat dirt, literally. Judging by this face it didn't taste too yummy.
And we have entered the land of mobility! These were taken a few weeks ago when he still did some weird little reach/pull thing to get where he wanted. But he finally figured out the crawling thing. The funny part is that with each crawl he attempts to stand up with the left leg. I've got to take pictures or a video because its too funny!
He's pulling up on EVERYTHING!
We went to the Fall Festival parade at the beginning of the month. At the time Ethan had to wear a hat, but since it was chilly, he wanted his ears covered. So this is what we got!
My boys watching the parade.
My brother is getting married in two weeks so we also had a shower thrown into the business. Elijah met my grandmother for the first time. He liked her because she fed him cake.
Ethan has been spending a lot of time outside. He likes to "dig" with his shovel, hoe and rake. Ronnie took this picture when he first started. We're a lot closer to China now. Sidenote: I went for a walk the other day and when I got back Ethan was digging. Being the mean mother that I am, I snuck up on him in that tall grass and growled. Let's just say that he cleared a path to the front door in no time at all. Ronnie came running out because he was screaming like crazy. I finally made my appearance, but had to wait a few minutes to explain myself because I was laughing too hard!
And Elijah has been sick again. He's had the sniffles and the coughs and the yuckies. Then this past Monday he was really fussy and ill all day. That night his fever went up to over 103. The next morning it was back up to 102. Ronnie called the doctor and I ended up staying home to take him in. And poor baby has another double ear infection. Ethan never had this many.
Here he is at the doctor. I love the paintings on all the walls. We were in the dinosaur room this time. I can't wait to see where we go next week for his 9 month check up.
And we had play time with the mirror after his bath the other night. He took Ethan's toothbrush and told that baby in the mirror a few things.
And finally this morning he took all those new teeth (we're up to 6 that have broken through) and chewed up a Pepto-Bismol pink crayon. I must say that he makes it look tasty!
Maybe it won't take me so long before my next post. I've noticed that there have been several visitors recently! I'm glad you've stopped by! Leave a comment!
Take care!
Wow! Where to start... Elijah does learn to talk from his daddy who can talk to a brick wall and be happy that he is exercising his jaw muscles. lol. I'm glad Grandma got her time with him and she was really excited about it too.
You are mean to scare Ethan like that because China might be a fun place.
Gald Elijah is feeling better and the Drs office does have cute walls.
And the parade outfit was rather cute!
You are really good at this blog thing...glad that your grandma finally got to meet Elijah...and Glad even though she didn't seem to know y'all that mama got to see them too...anyways your son and husband get the talking from his daddy's side of the
glad he's better and really glad I get to keep him on Mondays...wish Ethan could stay one day too...
You take some of the best pics too...Elijah has the prettiest smile and is so photogentic as is Ethan...
keep up the great work..
but hey watching with the scaring of
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