When we (the brother, sister and I) were small, our mom made sure we went to the library on a regular basis. It was a good thing I like books, or I'm sure I would have been miserable. Once I was in middle school, the Girl Scout troop I was in took over the summer reading program at the local library and planned out summers full of fun for the kiddos. We dressed up, sang songs, prepared crafts, and read books in the musty dark basement of the ancient library with around twenty kids every Tuesday through the summer. I loved those days and couldn't wait to start taking my kids when I had them.
I finally took Ethan and Elijah last summer. They enjoyed it, but were still a bit young to grasp everything that was going on. This summer I have high hopes since Ethan is getting ready to go to kindergarten (tear, sniff). So today I tore out of school as soon as I possibly could, made the day care stops and high tailed it to Seagrove for the first program of the summer.
We got to the library just after the group began so we made our way over to a vacant area where I urged the boys to go on and participate. They weren't moving. Ethan is super shy in crowds and I really have to try to get him to take some initiative and go out and do things with people he doesn't know. Today there was a group performing songs and hyping up the kids so I really thought Ethan would get involved, but it took til the second to last song to get him out there.
I do understand what it's like to be shy and lack confidence...I'm pretty sure my picture is beside those definitions in the dictionary, and it really hurts to see him follow in my footsteps, but I'm hoping that with some loving pushes he'll get more involved and be eager to participate in more activities.
Until next time,
Children’s Easter Books
12 hours ago
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