Everything you can imagine is real. -Pablo Picasso
My mom always said that I lacked an imagination. I think I have one, I just don't always use it properly. But thankfully I believe my boys have been blessed with very active imaginations.
Today was full of imaginative creations. I was on the computer and Elijah comes running up to me with a potholder on his hand jibber jabbering away. I asked him what was up and he said, "cook!" He was pretend coooking so we had a conversation about it and I found out that he was making ice cream...in the stove. What really cracked me up was when he went to "check" on his ice cream and Ethan followed in hot pursuit, but since he was being a grown up, Elijah turned, put his hand up and said, "get back, it hot" in the most seriousness I'm sure he could muster. Eventually the ice cream was done and I got to sample some. In my imagination it was the best I'd ever had and I made sure he believed so as well.
Later, Elijah came walking in the living room with a set of keys and said, "drive." I looked around trying to figure out what he was going to drive. All I said was, "Have fun. Be safe!" He went over and got into his car, a Luvs diaper box that he emptied the diapers from. He wasn't in there long before Ezra had to join him and they drove all around the place sitting there in the living room floor. 
Ethan always has to join in, so he got his own car since there wasn't any more room in Elijah's two seater. He even had his own set of keys. (These keys are actual keys that Ronnie puts on key rings for them to play with. The man has more keys than anyone I know!)
After a bit, Ezra got left on the side of the road, but he's not one to be left behind so he got up and tried his darndest to get back in his ride.
Loving big brother took pity on him and picked him over the edge, door, and they were on their merry way again.
When Ezra went down for his nap, Ethan and Elijah took the cushions off the couch and pretended they were pirates on the high seas, complete with shouts of "arrr, matey!" I was told that where I was sitting was infested with sharks so I hopped in a little boat (diaper box) and rowed across the water with my oar (broom). We had fun playing on the ship for a little while before they got bored and decided to watch tv for a bit, but I enjoyed getting to partake in their adventure.
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