This past week was my first week home with my kiddos. And we made it. There were some rough patches, but we all came out unscathed (except for that ugly bruise on Ezra's chin...still can't remember how he did that).
Monday was a holiday so we had nothing on the agenda other than hanging out. And that's just what we did. We slept in, we ate, we watched shows on netflix, we napped. Life was good. The boys even got along pretty well.
Things changed on Tuesday. I was awakened by Ezra throwing up on my chest. Gross. No fever, but he couldn't keep anything down. Great. And I was quickly running out of diapers. Luckily, my dear mother ran to the store for me and got him something to drink and diapers since it was freezing outside and I didn't want to risk a puking incident in aisle 7. The rest of the day was fairly normal, other than sitting around loving on a puny little guy.
Wednesday was Ethan's first day back at school. Since I haven't changed him to a morning bus rider, I had to get all four of us up and to school to drop him off before 8am. No big deal. As a matter of fact, I was something of a super mom because I got them all up, clothed, fed and bundled and still got him there early. Never mind that I didn't shower or anything so I looked a hot mess in the drop off line. Oh well.
Thursday got us off to another great start. Everyone got all they needed and we rolled on to the school at a fair time. Then on the way home I heard that sound. The sound you hate to hear in the car. Your child vomiting all over the place. It's just awful because you know its all over the front of them and you still have to get them unbuckled and out of the safety seat before you can haul them to the water hose because you can't spray directly into the car. No really. It means you're about to get icky no matter what you do. I got him out the best I could and stripped him almost naked before I ran inside to clean him off. (No water hose outside when its still 20-something degrees out.)
To make the morning a little less stressful, the three of us climbed back into my bed and took a nice nap before snack time so we all could enjoy the rest of the day a little better. That afternoon, Ezra went down for his nap and I went to the end of the drive to wait on the bus. I waited for almost an hour. During that time I called the school and was told that nothing was going on and that they didn't know why my child was not home. I finally got in touch with Ronnie and let him know that Ethan was essentially missing and that I was about to flip out. I felt like I couldn't leave my post because I didn't want to miss the bus if it came by, but I felt like I needed to go find him. Ronnie called the school and found out that the driver couldn't find our road and that she had taken him back to the school. I was so mad! How could they not find our road? It's the main road that the bus travels to let off any kid on that bus! We don't live on a side road, but the main road through our little section of nowhere. I finally got to my child about an hour and 15 minutes after he should have been home. I was glad he was safe, but upset with how the situation was handled.
Friday we sent Ethan to school with the threat of "winter precipitation." Around here, we stick to the "I'll believe it when I see it" motto for winter weather. The game plan was to drop him off at school, take Ronnie to the oral surgeon, stop for groceries and be home quickly since the school had already planned to close at 11.00. All was going well until I got a text in the middle of Wal Mart telling me that school was closing an hour earlier, which meant it was closing like right now! There was no way I could get all I needed and then manage to get through one of the two open registers before his bus got to our house so I left my cart and we headed on home. Once we were all home safely we snuggled in for a nice little ice storm and thus ended my first week as a stay at home mom.
Round two: Monday morning. :)
The Weekly Ramble – March 14, 2025
52 minutes ago
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