For us, Ezra has been the biggest challenge yet. He's the most curious and inquisitive. But he's also the least afraid to try something. A dangerous combination if you ask me. He's climbed more than the others. He's tested the limits more than his brothers. And he will try again if he's stopped the first time. He keeps us on our toes for sure.
Another thing about Ezra is that he explores the world with his mouth. Now I know that all young children do this. But he has been our worst. (Worst biter too, coincidence?) He has gotten in trouble numerous times for putting small toys or parts, money, candy, old food, dirt, and rocks, among other things, into his mouth. He even choked on three pennies one time. I was so glad Ronnie was there. (He doesn't panic and got them out quickly.)
But last night he topped himself. We had just gotten home from a benefit at church and all of us were in the living room before we went to bed. Ezra was on the couch, beside the diaper bag. I looked at him and he had blue stuff smeared across his face from his mouth. Ronnie asked me what it was. I said I didn't know. He said whatever it is it came from the diaper bag. Quickly racking my brain I couldn't think of a single edible item in there, nor could I think of a blue one. Then he held up his hand and in it was a prescription bottle. I flipped out as I realized my amoxicilan prescription had been in there so I could take it while we gone. Then I remember that they're half blue. I started talking loudly, telling Ronnie, while I checked the bottle and found it empty. I counted up and should have had five pills left and they were all gone. While I looked up the poison control center's number, Ronnie called a fellow firefighter for help. We called poison control and after giving bits of information, were assured that he should be okay. But given the fact that he may be allergic to antibiotics, we were told if he started breaking out in hives to give Benadryl and wait an hour before heading to the emergency department.
Thankfully, everything turned out well this time, but it could have been so much worse. Moral of the story: 1. "Child proof" bottles aren't always so child proof. 2. Memorize the number to poison control - you could need it at any time.
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