I have such fond memories from when I was growing up. We got to pick out a new dress or pattern if Grandma was making it that year. We got new shoes and a bonnet! I loved wearing a bonnet to church! I remember getting up super early to go to Sunrise Service. We were all tired and cranky, and we fought all morning, but we knew we were doing something special. We would sing "Up From the Grave He Arose!" and stand out at the graveyard, shivering from the cold, while hearing about how Jesus died, but lives again! We were cold, but we knew this was amazing stuff. After that, we'd eat breakfast with our church family, then we'd find a pew to sleep on until church started. After church, we'd make the rounds at the grandparents' houses for Easter lunch and supper. All the cousins would bring their eggs (real ones that we had decorated with dye or those PAAS shrink wrappers...no plastic around here!) and we'd hunt eggs all day.
I remember my freshman year of high school when my grandpa had been fighting cancer, but asked to go to Sunrise Service. I remember him sitting in the car while my brother played his trumpet. I remember that it was his last time at church before he died. But the reason that I love Easter today is the reason that Grandpa wanted to be there that day - he knew that Easter is the reason he was going to Heaven!
Now that I'm older, I still love Easter, but I have a better reason. I love Easter because I know that it means that Jesus died and rose again. Not only did He die, He did it for me because He wanted to. He knew me, but He loved me in spite of me, and He wanted me to have the chance to go to Heaven with Him. What an amazing love!
I can't imagine the pain Jesus went through. I can't understand the love that He has for each and every one of us. I don't know how He could willingly die for people, but I'm so thankful He did!
My thoughts this past Sunday turned to Mary. I have three sons. I want nothing but the best for them. I want them to live long happy lives. I know Mary knew her son was born to die, but I can't fathom the heartache she felt as she watched her son be crucified. Imagine the faith that she had!
I pray that you know Jesus as your Saviour today. If you don't, you're more than welcome to message me and I'll be glad to talk with you about it.
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