On Thursday, Ronnie got home and we took the boys out for pizza before we dropped them off with overnight bags and sleeping bags at Grandma Jackie's house. I felt terrible leaving my babies, but it would be so much hassle to get them out so early the next morning. Ronnie and I went home alone and did things around the house the rest of the night until I finally fell asleep sometime between midnight and 1.00.
The alarm went off at 3.30 a.m. and I waddled to the bathroom to take my last pregnant bath. I soaked for a bit and watched Baby Girl wiggle around in my tummy. We got everything packed into the van and I made the call to the hospital at 5.00. It was then that I heard what I've never been told before. There were no open beds. I was told to call back at 7.30. At this point it was nearly impossible to go back to sleep, but Ronnie forced me back to bed and eventually I did get a little more rest.
At 7.30 Ronnie called back to L&D while I stayed in bed. He was told that there were several patients scheduled for discharge, but they were still full so I would need to call back at 10.00. At this point I felt like we wouldn't be meeting our baby that day. I was tired and emotional, but Ronnie was so sweet and tried his best to keep me calm. I was also starving because they still said I couldn't have anything to eat. We decided to go see the boys so we left and stayed at my grandma's until it was time to call back.
At 10.00 I called once again. This time I didn't receive information to call again or to come in. I was asked for the phone number where I could be reached and simply told that I would get a call back later.
I was beyond upset. I felt so down. I had prepared myself for this day for two weeks and now nothing was going like I had pictured. I should have been in labor by then, but I wasn't even in the same town as the hospital. I wanted to cry, but I was too tired. I wanted to do something, go somewhere, but I was stuck at my grandma's house until I got a call back. I was just ready to have my baby.

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