On one hand that seems so young, but on the other it seems a little old, er, mature. I don't feel old, but I've had a few health things that have reminded me that it is time to lose some (all?) of the baby weight I've accumulated in the last seven years.
There's the whole gestational diabetes thing. I've been diagnosed three times and was told that because of this I am at a much higher risk of developing diabetes later in life. I don't want that.
Then Ronnie and I had physicals done for a new life insurance policy and it revealed that my triglycerides were slightly elevated. My dad is on medication for this issue and I really don't want to follow in his footsteps.
So what's a girl to do?! Well, this girl decided that she is going to attempt to lose thirty pounds by her thirtieth birthday.
I weighed at my parents' house (I don't want scales at my house so I don't become obsessive.) last weekend and again yesterday. And in the first week I'm down .6. Not too bad!
I'm not going on any crazy diets. I won't limit myself to only certain foods or take anything crazy. I'm going to work on portion control and some exercise. I'm not going to stress if the pounds don't melt away because I'm still the sole source of nourishment for Melia.
I plan to post periodic updates here an d am using myfitnesspal.com to log food and exercise. I hope these two things keep me accountable!
Are you trying to lose weight? Or get healthier? What are you doing? Is it working?

we can do it!!
You can do it, Melissa! I will do it with you. I need to lose about 20-30 lbs too. I have noticed the key is more with eating than it is with working out. Of course, working out does help, but I tell myself all the time that "you can't out train a bad diet." I mean, I used to think just because I worked out, I could eat my food plus everyone else's (haha!) It really is all about smart choices and portion control. A constant struggle for me. Let's keep each other motivated. So proud of you my Lizard!!
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