Wednesday, July 21, 2010


After my last post I knew that I needed to do something to help me recharge. I was almost drained, but my super hero had helped me turn a corner. It was time for supper, but I didn't feel like cooking and I wasn't in the mood to drive for take-out. I had recently looked at Kelle Hampton's blog, Enjoying the Small Things (very inspirational and gorgeous pictures), and read her article about packing the perfect picnic basket. I didn't care that I didn't even have a picnic basket. I needed the atmosphere of a picnic. I needed to enjoy the small things. The moments that I have with my amazing two boys. So. We had a picnic. Right in the front yard in the warmth of the evening July sun. And even though it wasn't much, it was perfect for us.

Our meal: PB&J for me, Jelly for Ethan, Water for me, OJ for Ethan and Oreos!
Ethan was very excited and thought it was extremely neat to eat outside!
We got a picture of the three of us. This was the best of our attempts.Ethan and Elijah cuddled.Then Ethan played a hopping game with a cricket.
And Elijah enjoyed the sights and sounds.And I was reminded how awesome it is to be a mother. And that I love the view from my seat in my mommy mobile.

1 comment:

heather said...

Precious! Lots of fun!